IQ-DILI Initiative May 2019 Meeting
May 8, 2019
IQ DILI members and experts from the academic and regulatory community met in-person following the AASLD - FDA Hepatotoxicity Meeting to discuss data-focused research questions and scope additional topics that could benefit from industry collaboration to delineate best practices in treatment, mitigation, and prevention. At this meeting the Pediatric Working Group formed to address unique aspects of DILI in the pediatric and neonatal populations.
IQ-DILI Initiative June 2018 Meeting
June 1, 2018
IQ-DILI members met in-person with members, as well as academic and regulatory experts, to review progress and discuss mature drafts of the IQ DILI Initiative white papers, finalize consensus on white paper recommendations, and discuss ideas for data collection research questions and future white paper topics.
IQ-DILI Initiative November 2018 Meeting
November 8, 2018
IQ DILI members and experts from the academic and regulatory community met in-person to discuss best practice recommendations in treating DILI and data-focused research questions.
IQ-DILI Initiative October 2017 Meeting
October 19, 2017
IQ-DILI Initiative members met to review and develop mature white paper drafts, with input from academic and regulatory experts.
IQ-DILI Initiative March 2018 Meeting
March 16, 2018
IQ-DILI Initiative members met to finalize white paper drafts and discuss next phase efforts for the Initiative.
IQ-DILI Initiative June 2017 Meeting
June 5, 2017
IQ-DILI members met in-person to continue advancing working groups goals and white papers, and to solicit input and engagement from experts in the field, such as academicians and regulators.
FDA Hepatotoxicity Meeting
June 6 - 7, 2017
Dr. Arie Regev, Co-Chair of the IQ-DILI Initiative, addressed Best Practices in Clinical Drug Development at the Hepatotoxicity Meeting organized annually by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI): Risk Assessment of Drug Candidates and Metabolites in Drug Discovery and Clinical Development
June 2, 2017
Dr. William Treem, Co-Chair of the IQ-DILI Initiative, spoke at a mini-symposium organized by the Pharmaceutical and Bioscience Society in San Francisco Bay. His speaking topic was " Filling in the Guidance Gaps and Defining Best Practices in monitoring for and diagnosing DILI in clinical trials."
HBV Forum
April 18, 2017
Dr. Arie Regev, Co-Chair of the IQ-DILI Initiative, attended the HBV Forum meeting to present on the work and priorities of the IQ-DILI Initiative meeting.
IQ-DILI Initiative February 2017 Meeting
February 7 - 8, 2017
The IQ-DILI Initiative met in-person to plan and discuss an in-depth review of working group progress and plans and working group timelines for publication of white papers.
IQ-DILI Initiative November 2016 Meeting
November 10, 2016
The IQ-DILI Initiative held an introductory meeting for members to present working group scope, plans, and timelines. Members also introduced academic and regulatory experts in the DILI field to the IQ-DILI Initiative.